Need some help with your American History lessons? Have a look at my lesson plans and ideas. My first year teaching I had been dying to see other teachers’ plan books, but most of them were either blank or didn’t appear suitable for our students (“high-risk” with poor reading skills). Below are my weekly lessons for weeks 20 – 22: The American Industrial Revolution.
Please see my other lens to see my complete lesson plan book. Why is there so many factories in the us? HISTORY QUESTION FROM THE WEEK: What was produced at the first American stock? Answer: Yarn. It was produced at Samuel Slater’s Mill, founded in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in 1790. Workers at the spinning machines resided in company housing and worked for income paid in credit at the business store.
Note: Unit IV: Our New Nation and Unit V: The American Industrial Revolution will be mixed into one exam. Objective: Why are there so many factories in America? 1. Study the statistics explaining the U.S. Adventure Tales of America: An Illustrated History of the United States, 1492-1877I use this book throughout the year to make excellent overheads.
How did the developments in transport change America? HISTORY QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What were both major ethnic groupings used in the building of the first transcontinental railroad? Answer: The eastern branch, the Union Pacific, employed Irish workers mainly; the western branch, the Central Pacific, employed mainly Chinese workers. The two work crews met at Promontory Utah, in-may 1869, completing the transcontinental link.
Objective: How did the advancements in transportation change America? Using what area of the U.S. How will you know? 2. Notes from transparencies: roads (p. 3. Terrific Transportation Internet Hunt: Load The Transportation Guide Page on your school computer. Pass out The Transportation College student Worksheet to all the training students. Also print out a sheet for your overhead so you can do one as an example with the class. Draw your sketch of the setting of transportation in the margin.
- U.S. restaurants
- Form Abandonment
- Drying. The exposed shea nut is laid out in sunlight again to dry
- 1,ooo,ooo hours / 24 hours (one day)=41,666.66667 days
- Strategic Negotiation
- Science Education (Secondary Earth Science) – M.A
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A. What was a keelboat? B. Where was this used? C. Who is famous for employing this? A. That which was the Clermont Steamboat? B. Where was this used? C. Who developed this? A. What was this? B. Where was this used? C. Who is famous for constructing this? A. What was the Wilderness Road?
B. Where was this used? C. Who’s famous for creating this? A. That which was the “Old Ironsides” Locomotive? B. Where was this used? C. Who is well-known for inventing this? 1. What for things do you know now that you did not know before? 2. Which type of transportation do you think was the most important in connecting the national country? When Giants Roamed: The Golden Age of Steam (THE ANNALS Channel)Then add clips out of this DVD.
How do Eli Whitney’s innovations change America? Objective: How did Eli Whitney’s innovations change America? 2. “How the Erie Canal Changed Everything” notes: Diagonally across the page pull the “Erie Canal” with 6 barrels consistently spaced along the river. 4. Eli Whitney posters. Place posters of the next around the area: Growth of Railroads, Transportation, 1800/1860 Chart, King Cotton, Cotton Production in the US 1790-1840, A System of Canals, Inventors Hall of Fame, U.S.